Thursday, August 11, 2011

Regards the number of steps that carry the disease?

Regards the number of steps that carry the disease?

I am currently building a two story house, the conditions for the preparation of the building structure is almost ready, soon mengecor second floor and stairs. Although not cast, I want to ask about the number of steps. What is the correct number of steps according to Feng Shui? For some time there was a friend of mine who saw my pictures of home design, said the number of stairs in my house is 23 steps, said residents might be sick. She said the number of correct steps are multiples of 5 and 1 or 2. But there is also a friend of mine says that the number of milestones that must be odd, so the number 23 is correct. Well, now I'm confused, where the rules are correct? if the wrong numbers, is kiasnya, or should I keep changing my ladder? If I were a fox, it seems safe amount is 21, because the second rule applies.

Just what makes me even more confused, I do not agree to eliminate two steps architect said, if step 21, the steps that will be uncomfortable, because the height of the ladder to 19.3 cm. Do not allow architects to eliminate one level, 22 steps. I seek advice from Felix, what solutions should be taken? opportunity, when I read in the property business, Mr. Felix is ​​a Feng Shui consultant, who is also an architect, so I think it's good for me to ask this question for you. Thank you.

Sir Andi, a series of measures, these rules are very popular in our country. and, in fact, there are actually two types of opinions circulating about this in several steps. One of them know why the numbers are always multiples of 5 plus 1 or 2, because the calculation is divided into five periods of life, namely birth, adult, disease, death, unhappy. Why do people choose multiples of 5 plus 1 or 2, so that when you go up or down the stairs, so you get to the target plane, the calculation stops at birth, or an adult. In the case of a ladder, you can find 23 is divisible by 5 + 3, which means stopping the word sick. Then the father of a friend said, people are sick - sick.

Pak Andi, do not worry, because apparently the rules are the rules of Feng Shui, I had time to ask, and my teacher, some Feng Shui masters in the world at the top when they met at the annual meeting of Feng Shui , which is held every November in Singapore, a series of stages, the rules there was no literature on any of Feng Shui, so real in our country is already a lot of rules get lost in the cultures of Feng Shui, and one of Theirs is a rule number is ringing. As I have studied in detail the reason why there are rules that go up or down the stairs, when we count, was more influenced by the ancient culture of their parents.

philosophy is very interesting, old parents want to remember that through our own, increasingly focusing on the scale, and if we focus, the possibility of accidents such as the ladder slides, was read by the order the fifth part of life, this philosophy is also very good, which is to remind us to always do from the youngest to oldest, as the wheels of life ever tour, we are not always young, once get sick and die.

So if you, sir, I suggest you do not need to change the steps that have been designed by the architect, Lord, because it is right that the height of the stairs to ideal is between 16-18cm, so if the 19 3cm, would be unpleasant. So, if forced, I think it is useless, because of its size becomes uncomfortable, then the chances of accidents on the way up and down the stairs into a large, and it would violate the ituberarti the basic philosophy of the old parents. In addition, if Mr. Andi, I often find myself on these events, because the amount is less, sometimes a step has been added to a height of 2cm a false step ladder, I think this would be very dangerous, because people could also stumble. It is hoped to help.

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