Feng Shui for Sensual Energy
Did you know the layout of the room became affect sex life. The Chinese believe that Feng Shui can be used to improve the quality of life by balancing the energy stored in a physical space.
Bedroom with a good Feng Shui can create a smooth flow of energy and sensual you awake each morning with a pleasant atmosphere. The result, your libido may be even higher.
Well, no, the curious, here the media give women some tips for creating an attractive bedroom Feng Shui is based on:
Choose color
The room is a place of relaxation and love. Therefore, be sure to choose colors that exude warmth and the feminine side of the interior, such as burgundy, red, purple and pink. As an added value, are the warm colors, also to be able to create a calming effect.
Keep the air flow
To maintain the flow of air in the room, windows wide open or the installation of water purifier. You can not create a good Feng Shui, if the compressed air in the room.
Adjust the bed
Position in bed must be arranged so that the entire face of the door, but not be positioned exactly parallel. Sleep with the right foot towards the door, known as the "coffin position" and may invite negative energy (Chi).
Get rid of family photos
Get rid of all the images of family and friends of the room, or at least keep out of sight, while in bed. You definitely do not want to see a family photo, while an action of great heat in bed.
Impression of luxury
Invest money for a set of high quality fabrics such as silk or satin for a luxurious feel and taste level.
Adjust lighting
Adjust room lighting so that the soft light and not too bright. In addition to saving aromatherapy candles inspiring feeling attractive, and put some soft music to help create a relaxed atmosphere.
Maximize the female energy
Get rid of anything that reminds you of a job in the office. Move the desk, books, laptops, television and sports equipment to another room, or keep out of sight. According to Feng Shui, the imported goods in the room a masculine energy. In fact, as femininlah want to maximize the energy here.
Getting rid of the mirror
Having a mirror in the room may seem sexy. But according to Feng Shui, the mirror is actually a symbol of arrogance, which is bad for Chi. But if you can not move the mirror from another room, you can still wrapped in cloth when he sleeps at night.
Choose a room decoration
Be careful when choosing an image object hanging above the bed, because the Chinese believe, all that hanging over your head goes into sleep at night.
Maintain neat
In addition to the above questions, the best way to create good Feng Shui is to maintain cleanliness and neatness of a bedroom. The positive energy that flows in will give you an energy boost to your sex life.
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