I Women born May 8, 1984 is currently not married I plan to buy a house and live alone with my mother, but the house is facing two directions: north and south, because the road is flanked by two rooms. Is the house because it is always good if, according to Feng Shui? If it is still good? How to determine the direction, which is called hadapnya the direction of the house, the building was named North or South facing If so, buy a home, whether kira2 suitable house for me? Because I heard that the house has two entrances we will live luxuriously, because the fortune that goes from one door to exit through the other door, is this so? Incidentally, I had to search him, but he looks to build the best in my opinion, construction, and relatively inexpensive. But if it does not fit, there is another way to solve it? Thank you in advance
The house has two faces is not necessarily a bad feng shui, like a mother to say that the house is a character like that can lead to a waste. It could happen, but not every single building has two sides would lead to extravagance. Basically, the building has two normally accessible from the front door and rear door. Ports as well as in front of the correct position, because the door to such an agreement could cause the flow of the wind becomes too strong. The flow of wind can easily cause people to do evil, then automatically the additional cost to go to the doctor or buy medicine. so it should not be literally useless.
Thus, if the position of not facing the door so no problem.
Using data on birth, mother, mother is an element of water is low, then you need the element of water and metal. for the best direction to North, West and Northwest. Since the possibility of building a house my mother choose sides in the direction of North and South, the house is good for the mother, whenever a door at the front door is a door to the north. Thus, my mother will activate the door to the north with the gateway in and out of the house every day. Procedure may be directed to the north is to place the reception room in the north. It would be better if the design seems more focused on the north side. Perhaps for this reason I can see a fellow architect, he had better understand how to deal with more attractive buildings on the north side, so that people see a vision of the construction we know that part of his face was visible.
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