Monday, May 04, 2009

" Your Birth Date may be the Culprit"

Why Date of Birth is important in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is about the physical energies in your environment that are external from you. These external energies can be changed and manipulated to improve your physical environment and the effects it has on you. Your date of birth or your natal chart in astrology is about physical energies internal to you. These external energies of Feng Shui can influence your environment but they cannot change your astrology and the effects of your astrology. The challenges you are experiencing may not be due to Feng Shui they may be due to your astrology.

Astrology is what creates who you are. Initially in your life it determines how: you view life, you respond to life and others react to you. As you grow and mature you can gain control of these. There are certain times in life that everyone will encounter windows of opportunity/challenge to gain control of their life. The best Feng Shui in the world cannot overcome these windows. One must work thru them to master these windows. Often people see these times as crisis, but they are truly gifts (if you choose to master them). The major windows are listed below, however, if you are experiencing challenges at times other than those listed below there could be other astrological influences affecting you.

Windows of Opportunity/Challenge:

Saturn Return: Late twenties

Uranus Opposition: Late thirties to early forties

Chiron Return: Fifty-ish

2nd Saturn Return: Late fifties

2nd Uranus Opposition: Mid eighties

If you find yourself in one of these windows do not blame your Feng Shui. It is time for you to address certain areas in your life. To start this process, acknowledge what it is you need to work on, choose to take responsibility for change and take action. Often it is difficult to identify the area(s) that need work. An Astrologer can assist you with this process. By Candace Czarny Copyright © 2001

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