The feng shui effect of clutter on your health, your energy levels and the overall quality of your life is obvious - clutter drains your energy and dampens your very best intentions.
Even though we all agree about the feng shui effects of clutter, starting to clear your clutter is never easy. One look at the stuffed bedroom closets or the piled up bookcases in your home office is enough to make you urgently find something very important to do.
There is a way out, though, and feng shui, as an energy tool, can help you clear your clutter in the most efficient, easy and, yes, even enjoyable way! The way to make it work is to keep in mind two important feng shui guidelines:
- Bring higher feng shui energy to support you in your clutter clearing efforts. For example, having great music, fresh air, a sense of beauty in the space will start diminishing the low effects of clutter, as in the world of energy everything is in constant motion. Be aware how much easier it is to deal with the low energy of your clutter when you are surrounded by higher energy.
- Plan to "underachieve" instead of "overachieve." Start small and time your efforts. For example, give yourself 15 min for a specific area, and when the time is up, just leave it. You've done great. Now plan for the next session and make it a bit longer (20-25 min.)
A very helpful tool in clearing clutter is using the ancient principle of space clearing. There are many ways to do space clearing, and from my experience, ancient cultures around the world have various forms of clearing the stagnant energy. Explore the topic of space clearing with feng shui, as it can be of great help in your feng shui clutter clearing efforts.
From Karen Kingston's Clear your Clutter with Feng Shui (compare prices) and Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui (compare prices) to Denise Linn's Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home (compare prices) there are many resources to help you understand how to shift the energy in your space and make your feng shui efforts really pay off.
To deal with the unseen causes of clutter, such as emotional issues, Christan Hummel, the author of Do It Yourself Space Clearing Kit (compare prices) suggests to "go around the house to places where there have been past traumas or difficulties. Do a cleansing ceremony (sage, or candles work well) and intend for the blockages to be cleared from that space. Intentionally bring in items that represent a more flowing energy, such as a feng shui fountain, chimes, or living things like plants, to attract life energy back into that area."
No matter which way of space clearing you choose, once you realize that the unseen Chi, or energy around you is shifting all the time, you can easily transform it for the better. You might not see it, but you can certainly feel it. Feng Shui is here to guide you through all the steps of creating better energy in your home.
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