Feng Shui can enhance your love or married life. If your love life is inactive, you
will see a change in your luck when this part of the house is activated.
If you feel that your marriage needs reviving, this is a sure corner to work on and
activate immediately. The section that rules marriage and romance is the Southwest corner of your home. You can also activate the southwest corner in each room, placing fresh flowers there. If you cannot place fresh flowers weekly in the home, artificial or silk flowers will do). You will find that fresh flowers provide
much better energy.
Never, never use dried flowers or have dying flowers or plants around. Dead or
dying flowers have a very negative influence wherever they are placed.
Cacti, or thorny or prickly plants, can cause arguments among family members.
Luxuriant green plants with large leaves placed around the house bring good energy,
but be careful about placing too much green in this corner. This corner is of the
earth element, and plants (considered to be wood) are not an inherently beneficial
Placing a pair of crystal swans or mandarin ducks or a pair of anything in this section will activate love or romance. Crystal is the primary element for the southwest section, so anything made with crystal would be better. Bathrooms should never be located in this section of the house. A bathroom here is a sure sign of problems in a marriage. If a bathroom is located in this section and you have other bathrooms in the house, use the others and try not to use this one.
Place a mirror on the door and keep the door closed at all times with the toilet seat
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