Included on the PaKua, the eight-sided octagon instrument, are the directions, colors,elements and everything that affects an individual.
There are four lucky directions and four unlucky directions and they are all different
for each person depending on their Kua number. When you make changes, the
methods you use to eliminate negative energies need not entail elaborate adjustments.
The solution usually lies in changing your furniture, removing dead plants
and clutter, and placing symbols such as green plants, fountains, and goldfish
A number of things will help you attract more money, enhance your love life and
guard against ill health.
You must not have sharp pointed objects from the outside or inside pointing
toward you as you work or sleep. Sharp points inside can come from corners of
tables, bookshelves, and sharp objects hanging on your walls (ornamental swords,
for example). Outside your home or office, things like houses, buildings, church
steeples, telephone poles, street lights and power lines can provide “poison
arrows.” Guarding against all of these things plays an important part in staying
healthy, happy and succeeding in your business and personal life.
Maintaining good ch’i energy in both your home and business is the source of
peace and prosperity. Having too much fast, flowing energy is as bad as not having
enough. All things need to have balance. Too many windows or doors aren’t
good for a home, nor too few.
An important part for ensuring good Feng Shui is the proper interpretation of the
elements in their productive cycle. There are five elements that cover the nine sections
of the home and the property. Placements of these elements are all important.

The Metal Element represents the west section and the color white. This is also the health of the children, their well-being and family life in general. The Kua number is Seven. Seven is of the west group people. The metal element also represents
the Northwest section. The color is also white. This is the benefactors section and should be activated by placing pictures of objects or places or people who will help you on your path to success. The Earth Element represents the center of the
house, and the Southwest sections. The Center encompasses all of the elements. Southwest represents the color gold, the marriage corner, family happiness and the Kua number Two of the PaKua. Two belongs to the West group. The Earth Element
also represents the Northeast section and the color for this section is gold. This section should be activated if you wish to gain knowledge or want to go back
to school. Also, if you wish your children to get a good education, this is the section where you should place the best educational books and pictures of the schools you want your children to attend. The Kua number for this section is Eight.
The Water Element represents the North. This section rules the career, and the ability for making money. Its colors are blue or black. The Kua number is One. This section should be activated if you want to get ahead in your professional world.
The Wood Element represents the East. The Kua number is three. The color for this section is the color green. It is also the section for health. If you want the quality of your life to improve, along with your health this is the section that should be activated with green plants and bamboo. Bamboo is considered to be the
best element to be placed in this section.
The Wood Element also represents the Southeast. The color is also green or jade. This section represents the wealth of the family and saving money. The Kua number is
Four. If you wish to have money, activate this section by placing green plants, a red
envelope with a few coins inside, and since the element of water is beneficial to the wood element, you can also place a small fountain or fish tank in
this location. The Fire Element represents the South section. The color for South is the color red. It represents your ability to become famous. South’s Kua number
is Nine. If you wish to become well known and successful in your field, activate this section by placing a horse, turtle, or elephant (with the trunk up) in this area. You can also place a world globe in this section of the house. The globe placed here and twirled from time to time will insure your work goes around the world.
You should definitely place something with the color red in this area of the house. Red is powerful for attracting anything, and is considered to be the strongest color of all. All forms of red colors, such as purple, mauves, and dark orange are considered to be of the red color. You must be careful how and where you use colors in your home. If used in the wrong location and not lucky for your special Kua number, they can be detrimental to your health. Again, the keyword is balance. Balanced color in your home is good. If your color, for instance, is gold, you can use lots of gold, but you must use caution with green as that color would cause health problems. Knowing the importance of color and balancing its placement is most important. If you are a Fire person, you can use lots of red in your home, but too much metal or the color white would not be good for you. If you are a water person, you can also have too much white in your home. Greens and pale blues would be good for you. Green is a good and lucky color if you are of the water or wood element. Plants and water fountains are also good for the wood element.