Feng Shui Front Door
An attractive entrance to your home or office will encourage good ch’i, or energy,
to enter. If you can arrange your front door so that it faces your overall harmony
or great prosperity direction, it will help bring in wealth, love and happiness. As
all energy enters through your front door, it is important to keep things away from
the door so the door will be free to open without problems.
Make sure your front door is not broken, and opens smoothly. A broken door or
one that is hard to enter is the worst kind of energy to start with. Your door size
should not be too large or too small relative to the size of the house. If the western world had practiced feng shui from the beginning, we could have avoided much of the trouble we have today in our personal lives as well as in our work or business.
I have seen many front doors of homes face a solid wall immediately upon entering. The main door should not open inside onto a solid wall within three feet of the open door. The only thing you can do is to place a mirror here so that upon entering, the space looks larger. This is not an ideal solution, as it is not good to have a mirror reflecting the front door, but it is better to have a mirror here if the space is too tight for comfort.
The subject of Feng Shui is actually far more profound than the popular belief that it is a kind of mystic interior design.It is the art and science of living and working in the right environment. Feng Shui is concerned with the flow and circulation of vital energy called "Chi" and is the interplay of the Yin and Yang within the five elements. Feng Shui is the intertwining between people, places and the interactions of energies. The universe is a vast field of energy. Feng Shui is the study of this energy and how it moves through the universe and affects us directly and indirectly. Modern science of Electrophysics is beginning to realize the interaction of electromagnetic energies between the earth and humans. These electromagnetic energies are the Chi lines running through the veins of the earth,thus creating energy for the earth and the people who live upon it.
The size of the door should be well balanced to the dwelling, not too small or oversized in proportion to the rest of the house. Too narrow an entrance stifles the flow of good ch’i entering the house, and you will have to invest more time, money and energy to achieve your goals if you live in a house with a small entrance.
Well-situated front doors are wide and lead into a foyer that open to other rooms in the house. The foyer acts as a buffer to slow the fast flowing energy as it enters your home. The front door should never open directly into the living room without some kind of buffer to slow the energy. If you have no choice put an attractive three-fold screen a few feet from the entrance with a healthy green plant in front of the screen. The screen slows the good ch’i energy so that it can flow softly around the screen.
The first things you or visitors see when entering your home set the mood for the
rest of the stay. Clutter should not be allowed to accumulate anywhere, but the
entrance is a particularly bad place for untidiness. People have a tendency to put
things at the door as a reminder to get rid of the things with good intentions of taking them away. But have you noticed even with yourself you leave it there,
because you are in a hurry and will do that later. Later, turns into days later. This
is bad for the subconscious mind. It is there when you arrive back home and due
to the rush it continues to stay there. If you want good feng shui in the home taking
this stuff away should be first on your priority list When you look out of your front door, you should not face a hill, and the door itself should not be hidden by shrubbery. It is not a good situation if there are obstructions in front of the door, such as a steep hill, another larger building, or any kind of over-sized or massive structure.
The entrance should be well lit and airy. The best shape for a door is oval or square
at the top. Solid wood doors are better than glass doors. The entrance should not
have sharp angles from other buildings pointing toward the door. You can place
a mirrored PaKua to deflect some of the negative energy from entering your home.
Deflecting The Energy Outside
You can also hang wood or metal wind chimes to help deflect the energy. Remember, the chimes must be hollow to be effective and the PaKua must be placed on
the outside of the house. It is unlucky to have a mirrored Pa Kua inside of your home. Bright-colored doors are very inviting and set the tone for overall harmony inside the home. Regardless of the color you select, it should provide a good contrast to the color of the rest of the house. Red is a good color for a door, but only if it is a compatible color for your overall harmony or great prosperity. The color should also be compatible with the main colors of the house. Red can be used if you are an East, South or Southwest person. Green or blue is an excellent color if you are an East person. Gold is beneficial and a good color for the door if you are a west person. All colors bring in good ch’i energy and are attractive to any entrance. Colors are explained later in the book. In Feng Shui, people as well as homes are divided into EAST and WEST groups.
You can determine if your house is good for you once you establish whether you
are an East or West group person. If you live in the type of house appropriate for
the opposite group, you may never become wealthy in that house. However, you
can arrange the furniture to improve your living conditions. There are four good
directions and four bad directions for each group. If you are an East person, the
four west directions are bad and if you are a West person, the four east directions
are bad for you.
If you are an EAST person, your good directions are North, East, Southeast and
South. If you are WEST, your best directions are West, Northwest, Northeast and
Once you decide which group you belong in, you can sometimes change the direction
of the house by entering through a different door that faces one of your four
good directions.
Beautiful, colorful flowers and lush green shrubbery also bring a sense of harmony and are important enhancements to an entrance. While many sidewalks lead in
a straight line toward the door, it is more beneficial if the walk curves or meanders
toward the door. If your walkway leads in a straight line to your door you should
try to change it to one that curves or one that leads to the side to disburse the
straight racing energy that flows toward the door.
Wind chimes are good instruments for beneficial energy when placed next to the
front and back doors. The chimes should be hollow and large enough so they produce
a nice melody of pleasing sounds when chimed. Together with harmony and
rhythm, melody is one of the three basic elements of music. Having soothing
sounds in your environment is another way to attract harmony and money.
Speaking of sound, soft music in the home is important to elevate one’s energy,
making it easier to produce good work that generates more money.
The front door entrance should never lead in a straight line to a back door or large
window. All of your luck and finances will flow through the house and out the
back door or window. This is the worst kind of energy of all for losing your hard
earned money. If you have this problem fix it immediately. If you live in a place
with this problem, you can place a large screen at a distance from the front door
so that it covers the view to the back door, and place a large plant in front of the
Nowadays, many people live in city high-rises. Apartment and condominium living
provide different challenges. If you live in an apartment building, never live at
the end of a long corridor, nor in front of the elevator or stairway. All of your
finances will fly away and down through the fast moving energy of the stairway,
elevator or long corridor. If possible, place a plant at the entrance in the hallway
to slow some of the fast flowing energy.
If you live in an apartment building, green plants and fresh flowers can be used to
bring nature into your home. Fresh flowers brought in weekly help keep your energy
level high.
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