Adding remedies to an enrichment area can improve the flow of Chi and remove any problems.
There are eight remedies in total.
This remedy includes lighting, mirrors and reflective surfaces.
Mirrors are the most popular.
The Chinese make great use of lights in their garden area.
The best here is wind chimes, bells, metal mobiles and bamboo tubes.
Wind chimes work by disturbing stagnent Chi through the swirls and eddies of sound in the air.
Harmonious sounds also attract lucky Chi.
Colour, especially red and black can be used to stimulate the flow of Chi.
Any living object be it plant or animal may be used.
PLants are usually used for sharp corners or to fill areas without Chi.
Fish are considered living symbols of wealth.
This is why aquariums are close to the cash register in Chinese restaurants.
Flags, ribbons, silk banners, fountains wind chimes and weather vanes are the best here.
They should however be made of natural materials.
This is for when Chi is flowing too fast.
Statues or large rocks are effective.
Traditionally this remedy meant machinery.
These days it is extended to include electrical equipment.
Electrical equipment stimulates Chi but sometimes too much.
It is best here to use scrolls, swords, flutes, bamboo tubes and fans.
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