Feng shui (say "fung shway"), often called the art of placement, could just as accurately be called "the art of flow." This ancient Chinese practice, literally translated as "wind" and "water," aims to maximize the beneficial movement of chi-the universal life force present in all things-through an environment.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Does Feng Shui clash with my religion?
I do not see any clash between Feng Shui and your faith. You do not need to do anything that your faith or the Church prohibits. You do not need to worship or even recite any mantra. You do not need to follow any rituals.
I have received two mails.
The first is from a Christian lady. Her marriage is on rocks. Her husband is having an affair and may walk out on her any time. Can Feng Shui help? Will it clash with her faith?
The second is from a Muslim who has been following this column closely and wishes to make Feng Shui changes in his house. He has reservations, though, and wants some answers. His question: Idol worshipping is taboo in Islam. Can he incorporate Feng Shui changes in his house without Phoenix, Dragon and other Feng Shui cures?
No clash between religion and Feng Shui
However, Feng Shui doesn' t clash with other religions. I wrote to the Christian lady:
"Dear Angeline, I do not see any clash between Feng Shui and your faith. You do not need to do anything that your faith or the Church prohibits. You do not need to worship or even recite any mantra. You do not need to follow any rituals. In fact, even the most revered Laughing Buddha need not be worshipped. All you need to do is to place it to bring good luck. It is the same for my Feng Shui paintings , the Greedy Dragon of Ambition , the Phoenix, the Apex…or the Turtle, toad and Fuk Luk Sau. Of course, they are deities. There are scores of gods, worshipped by the Chinese. But you do not need to."
Feng Shui may clash with Islam
I have observed over the years that Feng Shui has more to do with the harmony of the elements, directions and colors. A bright bulb or a musical wind chime can trigger any sector. A round mirror, placed at just right spot can work like magic. And elements have always been a part of most of the religions. Also, the harmony between Yin and Yang. However, to the Muslim, I wrote:
"Feng Shui may clash with Islam unless the Feng Shui advice is restricted to directions, elements and colors. This will be incomplete advice." Feng Shui does clash with traditional Islamic beliefs. Though original injunction was not to worship `graven images` which progressed to destruction of icons worshiped by followers of other religions and later restricted displaying any image, portrait, picture, photograph, painting, statues and sculptures in Muslim houses and business places."
All religions mention elements
But not with the Hindus, the Parsi, the Sikhs, the Jains…(Of course, it is not possible for me, or any scholar, to seriously discuss this issue with reference to all the religions on the face of the earth.) The Hindus talk of 5 tattvas, Purush and Prakriti (Masculine and Feminine, Siva and Shakti) and do not see any clash between Hinduism and Feng Shui. In fact, as Vaastu Shastra, Feng Shui is an inevitable part of Hinduism. Fire, a masculine element is balanced by water a feminine element. Hindus worship both each morning with prayers to flowing water and the day's first rays of sunlight.
Zoroastrianism, again, is based on a never-ending battle between good and evil. In their temples they worship Fire. The holy Fire burns eternally. Three thousand years ago the prophet Zoroaster taught his disciples to regard the elements Earth, Fire, and Water as symbols of Ahura Mazda, the supreme Lord of Creation. Parsis do not see any clash between Feng Shui and Zoroastrianism.
Even the Mesopotamian writings dating to about 3000 B.C and even writing in the Babylonian context, elements have figure in a big way. They are called Hudor (water), Gaia (Earth), Hieron "a divine thing", Heile (fire) and Aer (air). The Greek classical elements too are fire, air, water, and earth. These elements were used by Hippocrates in describing the human body with an association with the four elements: phlegm (water), yellow bile (fire), black bile (earth), and blood (air). And of course, in Chinese Taoism there is a similar system, which includes metal and wood but excludes air. Different things in nature are associated with the five types. For example, the five major planets were named after the elements: Venus is metal, Jupiter is wood, Mercury is water, Mars is fire and Saturn is earth. Also the Moon represents Yin, the Sun represents Yang. Yin and Yang and the five elements are recurring themes in the I Ching, which is strongly related to Chinese cosmology and astrology.
The four elements (Fire, Water, Wood and Earth) are also known as the four directions of the compass: North, East, South and West. While Feng Shui is all about the elements and setting right their harmony the figurines, Feng Shui paintings and cures are employed to correct and enhance the impact in different sectors.
So, except for the followers of Islam, I do not see Feng Shui seriously clashing with any faith. Not even if you hang a painting of the Greedy Dragon of Ambition on the wall of your drawing room.
Note: The right of privacy is sacred for me. The names of the people mentioned in the diary are usually changed to protect the identity of my clients. The real names are mentioned with the consent of people mentioned.The picture accompanying the article is only for representational purpose.
Get The Energy Flowing
Before you can Feng Shui your home or work place you need to rid yourself of clutter. There is no point implementing remedies if you have clutter, as it will reduce the effective flow of energy.
If you look up the dictionary for the word "clutter" the words referred to are disorder and confusion. This is symbolic of what you may be experiencing in life. In different areas of your home you may have clutter that may refer to the way you are feeling in a specific area of your life. Your home is a reflection of you and clutter can block the energy flowing effectively through the home and therefore can affect opportunities available to you.
Start with a drawer, once you do it you will feel great. Anything that you look at that you do not like or conjures up a negative feeling either throw it out or give it to a charitable organization. An example of this is a present or gift you may have received from someone you don't like and every time you see this item you have negative feelings….what is the point of holding onto it? You must surround yourself with positive energy and that means surrounding yourself with items that mean something positive to you and make you feel good.
I make a point of de-cluttering every 6 months. Once I get started it's hard to stop because you feel a load lifted off your shoulders. If you want to keep things, get organised. Put them in a cupboard so they are neat and you know where everything is. You will feel a lot more in control of your life.
In short, if you don't like it or haven't used it for a long time, get rid of it!
If you look up the dictionary for the word "clutter" the words referred to are disorder and confusion. This is symbolic of what you may be experiencing in life. In different areas of your home you may have clutter that may refer to the way you are feeling in a specific area of your life. Your home is a reflection of you and clutter can block the energy flowing effectively through the home and therefore can affect opportunities available to you.
Start with a drawer, once you do it you will feel great. Anything that you look at that you do not like or conjures up a negative feeling either throw it out or give it to a charitable organization. An example of this is a present or gift you may have received from someone you don't like and every time you see this item you have negative feelings….what is the point of holding onto it? You must surround yourself with positive energy and that means surrounding yourself with items that mean something positive to you and make you feel good.
I make a point of de-cluttering every 6 months. Once I get started it's hard to stop because you feel a load lifted off your shoulders. If you want to keep things, get organised. Put them in a cupboard so they are neat and you know where everything is. You will feel a lot more in control of your life.
In short, if you don't like it or haven't used it for a long time, get rid of it!
Feng Shui Entrance
# The energy coming through the door is the single most important factor that will determine how prosperous the occupants will be. Therefore you must keep the entrance clear of any clutter to allow the energies to flow freely.
# Make sure there is nothing in direct alignment with the door such as a tree or telegraph pole. To remedy this place a Bagua mirror over the door so it is reflecting the Sha Qi.
# The path to the front door should be wide & spacious & well lit. Curved windy paths leading to the main entrance are auspicious.
# Place two wide leaved plants next to the main door to help entice the energy in such as peace lillies .
# A beautiful picture placed on the wall opposite the main door is used to encourage energy into the home & therefore opportunities to come into your life.
# Your main door should always open inwards into a wide space to invite the Qi & therefore opportunities into ones life.
# The location of the door with regards to the sectors of the home, indicate a priority to the occupants therefore if the door is located in the North sector, you will find that your career is a priority to you.
# Avoid facing a dark, pokey room, an interior staircase, mirror, stove, sink, fireplace, the door of a toilet, laundry, bathroom or bedroom. To remedy this keep the doors closed or place a screen between the doors.
# Be careful placing water features as they could activate negative energies.
Erotically Charge Your Bedroom with Feng Shui
You can turn your bedroom into a romantic retreat by using the ancient art of feng shui (pronounced fung shway). Feng shui is about enhancing the environment or the energy around you.
Lillian Too who has written 16 books on feng shui says, �The structures around you also emanate energy and if these structures are placed in a harmonious fashion based on feng shui guidelines, you can attract good energy, and therefore you can attract good fortune and good luck.�
Feng shui guidelines take into account compass directions, colors, natural elements like wood, minerals, fire, water, and earth and aspirations such as wealth and prosperity; recognition and fame; marriage and love; creativity and children; mentors and helpful people; career; knowledge and education; and family relationships and health.
In feng shui, romance begins in the yin (feminine) vibration of your bedroom. Excite the ch�i (life-force, energy) by making your bedroom romantic.
Here are some of the basic ways to erotically charge your bedroom with sex positive energy by using the guidelines of feng shui.
First of all remove all clutter so positive energy can flow throughout the room. Clutter blocks the flow of ch�i. You should also remove anything reminding you of past lovers. Photos, love letters, presents and gifts, anything that reminds you of the past should be removed. You might want to go as far as getting new bedding and even a new mattress, especially if you shared you current one with a long term love who is no longer part of your life.
According to feng shui guidelines you should get rid of items associated with loneliness. You should not have just one of an item, not one flower in a vase, or one single photograph or one painting and definitely not one night stand. Everything should be arranged in pairs to symbolize a union. Have two candles on a dresser, two paintings on a wall, two end tables, etc. You should also avoid paintings or photos depicting one thing.
Pointy items should be avoided; they produce too much yang (male) energy. Replace pointy items with softer items representing natural curves.
Plants, whether they are living, dried, or artificial should be avoided in the bedroom.
Water is prohibited in the bedroom according to feng shui. It clashes with the fire element, the element of passion. Avoid having any water features such as fountains or fish tanks in the bedroom, also avoid any photos, painting or sculptures depicting water scenes such as waterfalls, rivers, lakes, streams, etc. Water in the bedroom can lead to financial loss and loss in a relationship.
Try to keep computers and televisions out of the bedroom. If you can not keep them out of the bedroom try to hide them in a cabinet or armoire that has doors that can be shut at night or cover the television and computer monitors with screens or thick cloth at night to block the yang energy that they emit. The bedroom should be full of yin energy, not yang.
Feng shui guidelines say the bed should be placed diagonally opposite to the entrance door. You should be able to see the door but not be in front of it. Do not sleep with your head toward the door. Have your headboard against a sturdy wall and your bed up off the floor with nothing underneath it to impede the flow of energy. Do not sleep next to a window because feng shui concepts say it disturbs the energies around you. You should also avoid having a mirror directly facing the bed. The mirror should not reflect the bed.
You should not be able to view your bathroom from your bed. Bathrooms should be screened or the door should remain closed. Feng shui principles suggest bathroom plumbing drains energy.
Keep all exercise equipment out of the bedroom. According to feng shui the bedroom is not the place for the excitement and flow of yang energy used during exercise.
Feng shui places a lot of emphasis on color selection and use. Stay away from cool colors in the bedroom such as blues, grays, whites, and blacks. Warm colors are best for the bedroom such as browns, beiges, reds, apricots and yellows. Red, the color of love and passion, is best for sexual energy. Yellow is also another very good color for the bedroom because it symbolizes communication.
Women should avoid filling the bed with lacy pillows, dolls, and stuffed animals. The bed should be comfortable but uncomplicated.
Feng shui suggests including materials derived from animals such as fur, leather, and wool. Do not use polyester or other synthetics. For your bedding you should use natural cotton or silk.
For an erotic bedroom incorporate the fire element of feng shui by using candles and oil lamps.
The bedroom shopassionate energy in your room with objects and paintings in shades of red, pink, and garnet.
Feng shui principles suggest placing a red object on the female night stand to increase eroticism in the female partner. On the male�s night stand place a tiny jar of copper scraps or something made of copper. Copper represents the male essence and enhances eroticism to its fullness.
To preserve sexual receptivity place a ruby or garnet on or hanging over the night stand. These stones are very energizing and powerful in attracting the opposite sex.
By incorporating these principles of feng shui in your bedroom you can create an erotically charged romantic retreat to attract a new lover or recharge the energy in eroticism in a relationship. Even if you can not apply every principle of feng shui into your bedroom, try to use as many as possible to get the erotic energy flowing.uld be an erotic retreat fro a couple. Display photos of the two of you doing things together. Avoid having too many photos of friends or family members. The bedroom is a private place, the children and in laws should not be involved.
Open your curtains and let sunlight into your room during the day. Let sunlight charge your bed with positive energy.
To enhance the sexual energy in your bedroom with feng shui, use the right hand corner (from the entrance) of your bedroom to display symbols that activate the energy of love, such as a photograph of you and your loved one, a sculpture of lovers, or two sculptures, a heart shaped object, a crystal prism, a mobile, or a sensual painting.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Activate your Fame Section - South
Feng Shui is important for attracting success and luck for your career and business.
Activating the fame section helps bring you fame, whether it is in the business
world or the arts.
If you are an artist, writer or musician, activating this section can help increase
your chances for recognition and success. Painting this section of the house red
will be beneficial for attaining success and fame. Placing a horse, turtle or elephant
in this area assures that you will have strength and power to complete your
projects. You can have all three objects to make sure you have strength and determination
to achieve success.
Keep this area well lit, the brighter it is, the better. If you wish to become famous,
put a world globe in this area and twirl it from time to time. Whatever you have
to send out will go to all parts of the world.
Never have water flowing in this area, in the form of a fountain or sink.
This is not a good placement for a bathroom, either. If you have a bath in this area,
be sure not to use it if your desire is to become famous.
Your Element and its Relationship to Colors
If you know your element, it will help you decorate by identifying the best placement
of things and the best colors so that you can achieve overall harmony and
WOOD - Green
If you are a wood element person, you can benefit from using lots of greens, blues,
blacks and some reds, but not yellow, gold or white. Use plants and water in your
home, but be careful as to the placement of these elements. They belong in the
North, South or East section of your home.
FIRE - Red
Fire element people can use lots of reds, greens and blues, but not too much white,
gold or yellow. White is a detrimental color for fire, wood or water elements. It
causes misunderstandings between family members and friends. It can also cause
loss of income. Use lots of the color green, including green plants, and you will
see an increase in your financial status. In fact, after red, green is the most important
color to be used in your home. Blue is also beneficial, as it enhances the quality
of your life by creating harmonious conditions for good relationships between
family members and friends. Blue is also a good color to use to help attract partners
if you are single. If you have single children in your home, it helps attract a
lucky and happy marriage for them.
EARTH Ð Gold, Yellow
If you are an Earth element person, you can have a lot of gold and yellows in your
home, in addition to some browns and reds. Avoid an abundance of green, blue or
black as these colors are detrimental to your health. Crystals and crystal chandeliers
are beneficial in different locations within the home. In fact, I am an earth element
and have every room painted yellow, except for one wall which is red. Red
is a beneficial color for Earth people.
A Few Precautions
Mirrors are among the most useful remedies, but they must be used in the proper
location for mirrors. Never use square mirror tiles that adhere to walls – they break
up images and are considered unhealthy. Never hang a PaKua mirror inside your
home. It must be on the outside of a window or door to deflect poison arrows.
Keep them away from your bed and out of your bedroom altogether, if possible.
Keep them in good repair – if they are old, they may need to be re-silvered so that
the reflected image doesn’t show the mirror’s flaws. Never have mirrors hung to
where they are too low and cut your head off or you cannot see your head.
Dried flowers and arrangements are very unhealthy to have in your environment.
They are dead, and consequently have that meaning wherever they are placed. Use
fresh flowers (but keep the water fresh and dispose of when they start to wilt) or
silk flowers instead. Scented potpourri is dried flowers and should not be used in
the home.
Water can be very beneficial, but it can also be detrimental if it is placed in the
wrong area. Be sure to follow the tips in this book.
Any dripping water from faucets, drains, roofs, etc., will drain your resources.
Water problems should be fixed immediately, as they are very detrimental to your
financial health.
Burned-out light bulbs should always be replaced immediately, as they are very
detrimental to healthy ch’i. It is a good idea to keep replacement bulbs on hand so
that you are never “without light”!
Our ancestors had a natural feeling for the principles of feng shui,
when you consider the following sayings:
“Cleanliness is next to godliness”
“A stitch in time saves nine”
“Waste not, want not”
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Zeta-Jones to be Douglas' Leading Lady in Real Life?
Michael Douglas, after a divorce from his wife of 22 years and a string of affairs, has planned to settle down (again) this year with Catherine Zeta Jones, who is exactly 25 years his junior and pregnant with his child. The exquisitely beautiful Catherine, who shot to stardom after starring as in The Mask of Zorro opposite Antonio Banderas as the spirited Elena Montero (a most apt role!), admits to having a "thing" for older men. "I've never dated anybody the same age as me," quoth she, "I think it's because I love the knowledge older men have." Hmm, but Cathy, even so, isn't Michael a little too old for you?
The Entrapment star gushes that she is "ecstatic, thrilled and very, very happy" with the prospect of marrying ol' Mike. The couple met at the Deauville Film Festival in August 1998 in France and have been dating since March 1999. Now, could this union possibly last? Read on to find out!
Catherine Zeta-Jones (25th September 1969)
Sultry raven-haired beauty, Catherine Zeta-Jones, is the epitome of elegance and intelligence, traits true to the Earth Rooster, her Chinese astrological sign. Quick-witted, clever and sharp as a fencing blade, this lady is a force to be reckoned with! Catherine is forthright and frank like most Rooster ladies, and when challenged, takes the bull by the horns, rarely mincing her words. As a result, she comes across as quite a tough cookie. Beneath that hard facade however, Catherine is kind as can be, seldom holding grudges or scheming to get even.
As with all resourceful, extremely practical Rooster ladies, Catherine appreciates things that are tangible. She will not be wooed with empty declarations of love and romantic poetry, preferring cars and yachts and real estate (that explains her delight at the enormous diamond ring Michael gave to her!). This powerful lady tends to attract weaker men, but it is the strong who will make her melt!
Michael Douglas (25th September 1944)
Michael Douglas was born in the year of the Wood Monkey. Oozing charm and good intentions from every pore, Michael is more like the charismatic, adorable rogue he played in Romancing the Stone rather than the ruthless, arrogant and aloof Gordon Gekko in Wall Street. In fact, like his other Monkey brothers, Michael is generous, outrageous and loud, immensely likeable with rather good sense of humour, never taking himself too seriously.
In love, the Monkey gentleman is the most extravagant suitor of the Chinese Zodiac. He woos his ladylove with jewels and furs, the best champagnes at luxurious restaurants and expensive nights out at the opera. But will all that be enough for Catherine?
The Entrapment star gushes that she is "ecstatic, thrilled and very, very happy" with the prospect of marrying ol' Mike. The couple met at the Deauville Film Festival in August 1998 in France and have been dating since March 1999. Now, could this union possibly last? Read on to find out!
Catherine Zeta-Jones (25th September 1969)
Sultry raven-haired beauty, Catherine Zeta-Jones, is the epitome of elegance and intelligence, traits true to the Earth Rooster, her Chinese astrological sign. Quick-witted, clever and sharp as a fencing blade, this lady is a force to be reckoned with! Catherine is forthright and frank like most Rooster ladies, and when challenged, takes the bull by the horns, rarely mincing her words. As a result, she comes across as quite a tough cookie. Beneath that hard facade however, Catherine is kind as can be, seldom holding grudges or scheming to get even.
As with all resourceful, extremely practical Rooster ladies, Catherine appreciates things that are tangible. She will not be wooed with empty declarations of love and romantic poetry, preferring cars and yachts and real estate (that explains her delight at the enormous diamond ring Michael gave to her!). This powerful lady tends to attract weaker men, but it is the strong who will make her melt!
Michael Douglas (25th September 1944)
Michael Douglas was born in the year of the Wood Monkey. Oozing charm and good intentions from every pore, Michael is more like the charismatic, adorable rogue he played in Romancing the Stone rather than the ruthless, arrogant and aloof Gordon Gekko in Wall Street. In fact, like his other Monkey brothers, Michael is generous, outrageous and loud, immensely likeable with rather good sense of humour, never taking himself too seriously.
In love, the Monkey gentleman is the most extravagant suitor of the Chinese Zodiac. He woos his ladylove with jewels and furs, the best champagnes at luxurious restaurants and expensive nights out at the opera. But will all that be enough for Catherine?
Celluloid Chameleon : Nicolas Cage
He has been identified as one of the most versatile actors of our time. He is an award-winning actor, an action star, a serious character player and a sardonic comedian, all rolled into one. He's the nephew of filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola. He's also the guy who's famous (or should that be infamous?) for eating a live cockroach in the bizarre film, Vampire's Kiss. This extraordinary man is none other than Nicolas Cage.
Nick made his first few TV and movie appearances under his real name Nicholas Coppola, but when some suggested snidely that he was only getting roles because of his name, he quickly changed it. He chose the name Nicolas Cage, after his favorite comic book character, Luke Cage. Armed with his new name, Nick was determined to make it in Hollywood as an accomplished actor in his own right. "I had to convince myself I had some value of my own apart from my family lineage. It would have been easier in Hollywood if I had kept the Coppola name."
After making more than 30 movies during a turbulent career of many triumphs ( Leaving Las Vegas, Face/Off, Con Air, The Rock ) and occasional disappointments ( Fire Birds, a Top Gun rip-off), Nick is the proud owner of an Oscar, a Golden Globe award plus a host of other awards for Best Actor for his role in the low-budget, independent movie, Leaving Las Vegas.
Nicholas Kim Coppola @ Nicolas Cage
7th January 1964
Long Beach California
Seductive Mr. Snake Eyes was born in the year of the Water Rabbit. Always suave and charming, Nick is probably often described by the people who know him as a very nice guy. However, he has an innate ambition for social success and is very skilled at networking. He knows what to do to fit in with the right level of society, and having a good image is very important to him.
Nick is also known as a very quirky and eccentric person, which is uncharacteristic of most Rabbit men. On the other hand, he is an actor, and all this weirdness could be just a part of the persona he carefully cultivates to be a success in his métier.
Nick is very shrewd about people, and is an excellent judge of character. Although he may seem accommodating on the surface, he is actually an expert at manipulating others to his advantage. In fact, he can rather materialistic and self-centered if you can look beyond the undeniable charisma he exudes so effortlessly.
There is no room for impulsiveness in his life, as Nick likes to plan every move and decision in very carefully. He does not blindly take on all those diverse roles that have earned him the reputation of being something of an acting chameleon: "I've made it my purpose to embrace every style of expression in my acting, and to change not only characters but genres."
Catch the talented Nicolas Cage next in The Family Man and Captain Corelli's Mandolin.
Nick made his first few TV and movie appearances under his real name Nicholas Coppola, but when some suggested snidely that he was only getting roles because of his name, he quickly changed it. He chose the name Nicolas Cage, after his favorite comic book character, Luke Cage. Armed with his new name, Nick was determined to make it in Hollywood as an accomplished actor in his own right. "I had to convince myself I had some value of my own apart from my family lineage. It would have been easier in Hollywood if I had kept the Coppola name."
After making more than 30 movies during a turbulent career of many triumphs ( Leaving Las Vegas, Face/Off, Con Air, The Rock ) and occasional disappointments ( Fire Birds, a Top Gun rip-off), Nick is the proud owner of an Oscar, a Golden Globe award plus a host of other awards for Best Actor for his role in the low-budget, independent movie, Leaving Las Vegas.
Nicholas Kim Coppola @ Nicolas Cage
7th January 1964
Long Beach California
Seductive Mr. Snake Eyes was born in the year of the Water Rabbit. Always suave and charming, Nick is probably often described by the people who know him as a very nice guy. However, he has an innate ambition for social success and is very skilled at networking. He knows what to do to fit in with the right level of society, and having a good image is very important to him.
Nick is also known as a very quirky and eccentric person, which is uncharacteristic of most Rabbit men. On the other hand, he is an actor, and all this weirdness could be just a part of the persona he carefully cultivates to be a success in his métier.
Nick is very shrewd about people, and is an excellent judge of character. Although he may seem accommodating on the surface, he is actually an expert at manipulating others to his advantage. In fact, he can rather materialistic and self-centered if you can look beyond the undeniable charisma he exudes so effortlessly.
There is no room for impulsiveness in his life, as Nick likes to plan every move and decision in very carefully. He does not blindly take on all those diverse roles that have earned him the reputation of being something of an acting chameleon: "I've made it my purpose to embrace every style of expression in my acting, and to change not only characters but genres."
Catch the talented Nicolas Cage next in The Family Man and Captain Corelli's Mandolin.
Would You Pay US$ 95 Million For This?
More to the point, would you hang something like this as a decorative piece in your home? Will something like this – an acknowledged masterpiece – bring good or bad feng shui into your home? Wouldn’t this lopsided perspective of a woman purported to have meant a lot to the artist create the energy of a grotesque caricature? Surely art in the home should bring joy, pleasure, inspire and soothe the senses rather than cause disturbing thoughts. And so, can something like the pictures here possibly be good feng shui? You be the judge!
It was reported in early May that this portrait painting by Pablo Picasso, one of several painted of Dora Maar, arguably the favourite of his four mistresses - the woman who infl uenced him the most during the late 1930s and early 1940s - was successfully auctioned for $95.2 million by famed auction house, Sotheby’s.
This recent revival of interest in Picasso prompts us to delve a little deeper into one aspect of his life – his relationship with Dora Maar and the series of paintings the relationship inspired. It seems that this relationship caused Picasso to unleash all the deepest passions he generated onto the canvas.
This latest successful sale of a Dora Maar painting will surely cause many other paintings of Dora Maar to surface... and there are many of them around.
Several years ago, the National Gallery of Victoria in Australia presented an Exhibition of Picasso and Maar as partners in a remarkable “creative dialogue” that spanned 10 tumultuous years. The show was entitled Picasso: Love & War 1935-1945 – and it featured Maar as a talented photographer who inspired a whole series of harrowing Weeping Woman portraits. The early pictures show a smiling happy Maar and that is when they make her look beautiful, but towards the end of the relationship when Picasso left her for someone else, he succeeds equally in capturing the depths of her misery – resulting in the horrifying series of paintings of Weeping Woman, one of which we showcase here. Surely this is exactly the kind of image you must never hang inside your home? Surely it will create a situation of great unhappiness in the home as it has such powerful energy of sadness?
We present several more portraits of this enigmatic woman who was herself a creative genuis.
Dora Maar died in 1997 but the image of her weeping and of her happy will forever mesmerize Picasso’s zillions of fans in the art world.
It is not surpirsing that the 95 million dollar price tag (one of the highest ever recorded in the auction world) ranks second to another Picasso piece, “Garcon a la Pipe,” which was also sold by Sotheby’s for over $104 million in May of 2004.
It was reported in early May that this portrait painting by Pablo Picasso, one of several painted of Dora Maar, arguably the favourite of his four mistresses - the woman who infl uenced him the most during the late 1930s and early 1940s - was successfully auctioned for $95.2 million by famed auction house, Sotheby’s.
This recent revival of interest in Picasso prompts us to delve a little deeper into one aspect of his life – his relationship with Dora Maar and the series of paintings the relationship inspired. It seems that this relationship caused Picasso to unleash all the deepest passions he generated onto the canvas.
This latest successful sale of a Dora Maar painting will surely cause many other paintings of Dora Maar to surface... and there are many of them around.
Several years ago, the National Gallery of Victoria in Australia presented an Exhibition of Picasso and Maar as partners in a remarkable “creative dialogue” that spanned 10 tumultuous years. The show was entitled Picasso: Love & War 1935-1945 – and it featured Maar as a talented photographer who inspired a whole series of harrowing Weeping Woman portraits. The early pictures show a smiling happy Maar and that is when they make her look beautiful, but towards the end of the relationship when Picasso left her for someone else, he succeeds equally in capturing the depths of her misery – resulting in the horrifying series of paintings of Weeping Woman, one of which we showcase here. Surely this is exactly the kind of image you must never hang inside your home? Surely it will create a situation of great unhappiness in the home as it has such powerful energy of sadness?
We present several more portraits of this enigmatic woman who was herself a creative genuis.
Dora Maar died in 1997 but the image of her weeping and of her happy will forever mesmerize Picasso’s zillions of fans in the art world.
It is not surpirsing that the 95 million dollar price tag (one of the highest ever recorded in the auction world) ranks second to another Picasso piece, “Garcon a la Pipe,” which was also sold by Sotheby’s for over $104 million in May of 2004.
Feng Shui World Latest Issue
Foremost on everyone’s minds this last month has been the Beijing Olympics. Everyone’s talking about the spectacular show China put on for the world especially the fabulous opening ceremony which has certainly set new standards for future Games. China has successfully showcased its very rich and symbolic traditions of old and new to the millions of viewers that tuned in from around the world. The Olympic Games remind us that if teamwork, sportsmanship and honour prevail, it can lift us out of the doldrums, even if only for a brief but brilliant two weeks. But let it not stop there; let us instead allow ourselves to be inspired!
Our lead story this issue features the rich symbolism on display at the Beijing Show where symbols, which have always been at the heart of Chinese culture, were created to showcase the diverse heritage of China. We feature also the golden stars of China – the highly talented crop of Olympic heroes and heroines have collectively and at time of printing harvested an astonishing 43 gold medals. While there were history-making moments of true glory, there was also heartbreak at the Games – when China’s athletics star Liu Xiang succumbed to injury and dashed the hopes of an expectant nation along with it – but that’s the reality of sports, and of life – you have yin and yang, ups and downs, but you can pick yourself up again, to battle on another day.
Turning to practical feng shui side, this month we have some great articles and ideas for you to use should you be decorating or building your own house. We feature a gorgeous house in Bangsar where architect and owner worked hand in hand to create the kind of home you’d be proud to show off to anyone – and with such attention to detail, the feng shui has not been left to chance either. Lillian Too meanwhile brings some good advice to those living on a slope. Many homes, especially those with breathtaking views, sit on undulating land. While such locations can be auspicious, they are also tricky to build. She gives some valuable pointers.
One of the aims of feng shui is living the good life, so we rarely forget the glitz and glamour. Check out our feature on celebrity babies whose exclusive pictures sell for astronomical sums. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt lead the pack here, successfully selling pictures of their latest twins for millions of pounds. We also bring you Anna Wintour, arguably the world’s most powerful lady in fashion. Books have been written and movies made inspired by her story and personality, and she continues to dictate how the world should look and dress. Nothing wrong with following a trend if the trendsetter has good taste!
Around the world, interest in feng shui continues to grow; we constantly find yet more examples of feng shui being cleverly applied and creatively adapted to modern living. Commercial photographer Martin Vrabko of Slovakia for instance uses his skill to create giant sized photographic prints to bring auspicious scenery into the home and office, while Victoria Evangelina tells how she flees Georgia amidst hostile bombing by Russia, with talismans and mantra protection keeping her safe!
As we near the end of the year and 2009 looms ahead, don’t forget to get tickets to Lillian Too’s Feng Shui Extravaganza 2009 where she will give you all the updates and important info you will need to make the most of the Earth Ox year. She will be in Singapore on Sunday 4th Jan 2009, Kuala Lumpur on Sunday 11th Jan 2009, Hawaii on 17th & 18th Jan 2009 and Amsterdam on 7th & 8th Feb 2009. Lillian will also be giving the keynote address at the International Feng Shui Convention, happening in Singapore on the 22nd & 23rd November 2008.
Our lead story this issue features the rich symbolism on display at the Beijing Show where symbols, which have always been at the heart of Chinese culture, were created to showcase the diverse heritage of China. We feature also the golden stars of China – the highly talented crop of Olympic heroes and heroines have collectively and at time of printing harvested an astonishing 43 gold medals. While there were history-making moments of true glory, there was also heartbreak at the Games – when China’s athletics star Liu Xiang succumbed to injury and dashed the hopes of an expectant nation along with it – but that’s the reality of sports, and of life – you have yin and yang, ups and downs, but you can pick yourself up again, to battle on another day.
Turning to practical feng shui side, this month we have some great articles and ideas for you to use should you be decorating or building your own house. We feature a gorgeous house in Bangsar where architect and owner worked hand in hand to create the kind of home you’d be proud to show off to anyone – and with such attention to detail, the feng shui has not been left to chance either. Lillian Too meanwhile brings some good advice to those living on a slope. Many homes, especially those with breathtaking views, sit on undulating land. While such locations can be auspicious, they are also tricky to build. She gives some valuable pointers.
One of the aims of feng shui is living the good life, so we rarely forget the glitz and glamour. Check out our feature on celebrity babies whose exclusive pictures sell for astronomical sums. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt lead the pack here, successfully selling pictures of their latest twins for millions of pounds. We also bring you Anna Wintour, arguably the world’s most powerful lady in fashion. Books have been written and movies made inspired by her story and personality, and she continues to dictate how the world should look and dress. Nothing wrong with following a trend if the trendsetter has good taste!
Around the world, interest in feng shui continues to grow; we constantly find yet more examples of feng shui being cleverly applied and creatively adapted to modern living. Commercial photographer Martin Vrabko of Slovakia for instance uses his skill to create giant sized photographic prints to bring auspicious scenery into the home and office, while Victoria Evangelina tells how she flees Georgia amidst hostile bombing by Russia, with talismans and mantra protection keeping her safe!
As we near the end of the year and 2009 looms ahead, don’t forget to get tickets to Lillian Too’s Feng Shui Extravaganza 2009 where she will give you all the updates and important info you will need to make the most of the Earth Ox year. She will be in Singapore on Sunday 4th Jan 2009, Kuala Lumpur on Sunday 11th Jan 2009, Hawaii on 17th & 18th Jan 2009 and Amsterdam on 7th & 8th Feb 2009. Lillian will also be giving the keynote address at the International Feng Shui Convention, happening in Singapore on the 22nd & 23rd November 2008.
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