Key principles in the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui have been used for over 6,000 years to balance and harmonize the flow of energy surrounding individuals, their homes and their workplaces.
Relationships and money energy changes occur, as well as a feeling of individual well-being for those that live or work within a properly Feng Shuied environment.
Feng Shui is the perfect complement to enhance your office or home for the very best success possible now and for the future. Pyramid Feng Shui addresses the needs of the individual(s) first and how they relate to their home or workplace, combining aesthetics, comfort and function to allow all the inhabitants to thrive within that space as they experience it. Pyramid Feng Shui is a tool to empower them to their highest level of potential, both personally and professionally. Feng Shui is the language through which we can insure health, happiness and empowerment.
Marriage, family and children; knowledge, career, wealth and fame; and travel and helpful people affecting the individual's life are all areas where changes occur dramatically. Feng Shui acts as a key unlocking doors that seemingly are blocked to our happiness and helping us achieve our goals, hopes and dreams.
Chi is also life's breath within each of us, the eternal spirit or soul, the psyche, the sum and substance of our very being.
Logically, anything that is part of our environment would have an influence upon our spirit.
The spirit is the driving force within each life. Honoring that spirit in ways that bring peace and harmony within and into our surrounding space makes good sense.
In recent years Feng Shui has become popular in the West and experts are called in to balance not only existing spaces, but future ones as well. Donald Trump is widely known to seek this wisdom before he builds a hotel or casino to achieve the best possible draw of Chi energy for his site's future business.
Many Fortune 500 companies and international money institutes (i.e.: Chase Asia, Citibank, Paine Webber), The American and the Asian Wall Street Journals consult Feng Shui practitioners to align their business Chi for the most prosperous opportunities.
Although Feng Shui is not a religion, spiritual blessings and prayers are offered to cleanse sacred space allowing success to intensify in all areas.
Alexandra Shaw has been studying the practice of Feng Shui for over eight years and her clients receive very positive results using the art of Feng Shui placement.
If you would like to change your life in ways you can't possibly imagine, that will positively influence your destiny, call today and make an appointment. It is my intention to be the vehicle of change to help you achieve all you wish for yourself, your loved ones and your future.